RealME finder

Personality Temperament Test

Derived from Tim LaHaye's work, "Why You Act The Way You Do," this evaluation tool assists in pinpointing your temperament, shedding light on potential Personal Color. Divided into four sections, each containing a set of descriptive terms, the assessment prompts you to allocate a number to each word based on its alignment with your personality. For a more accurate understanding of your temperament, it is advisable to have 3-4 intimate acquaintances complete the assessment concerning your temperament as well.

Please remind: for the 100% accurate result, we strongly recommend to do a personal assiatance!


Be real and genuine as you go through the assessment.

Don't worry about how you "should" be; just focus on being RealYOU. It's okay if some words seem flattering or not—just be honest! This is your chance to embrace who you are, no filters needed.

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime
woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime
Scoring Criteria

From the below table, Score how each word best describes the RealME:

1 = "That is definitely NOT me!"

2 = "That is usually NOT me."

3 = "That is usually me."

4 = "That is mostly me."

5 = "That IS definitely me!"

The result

After completing all 4 sections,

cross out any 1s or 2s, then total the 3s, 4s, and 5s in each section.

The highest score is your Primary Temperament,

that we commend to adapt as your Primary Personal Color Chart.

The next highest is your Secondary Temperament: this,

we recommend to adapt as point color.

yellow bird perched on white flower
yellow bird perched on white flower
sliced watermelon with lemon on shot glass
sliced watermelon with lemon on shot glass
white and blue balloons on bare tree
white and blue balloons on bare tree
a vase filled with flowers sitting on top of a table
a vase filled with flowers sitting on top of a table





Each section represents one of four Temperaments:
SECTION 1: Sanguine Temperament (fun-loving extrovert; outgoing; very social; "the life of the party") - EXTROVERT

SECTION 2: Choleric Temperament (focused; extrovert; goal oriented; "the achiever") - EXTROVERT

SECTION 3: Melancholy Temperament (detailed; introspective; artistic; "the naturally gifted") - INTROVERT

SECTION 4: Phlegmatic Temperament (easy going; stable; consistent; "the loyal friend") - INTROVERT